Spinova Immo Plus stellt deinen Lendenbereich ruhig und schützt vor schädigenden Drehbewegungen. Ihr luftig-elastisches Netzmaterial umschließt eine stabilisierende Kunststoffschale. Beide stützen deinen Rumpf vom Becken bis zu den Schulterblattspitzen in anatomisch korrekter Form.
The product is already in the wishlist! Browse Wishlist. Vista Rápida. Espalda. Spinova® Immo Plus Classic · Leer más · Add to Wishlist loading. Product added!
PodoBudget Spinova Immo Plus Instructie video. PodoBudget Spinova Immo Plus Instructie video. Spinova Immo stellt den Lendenbereich ruhig und schützt vor schädigenden Drehbewegungen. Mit einer leichten Kunststoffschale für den Rumpf ist sie angenehm zu tragen. Die Schale besteht aus zwei ineinander verschiebbaren Hälften. So lässt sie sich deiner Körperform exakt anpassen.
Spinova Immo Plus temporarily immobilizes the lumbar spine and relieves pain. The lumbar orthosis extends up to the lower thoracic spine (up to TH10) and reliably protects against damaging rotational movements. It is based on a modular design and supports multi-stage therapy. La construction modulaire de la Spinova Immo Plus permet une thérapie contrôlée selon un schéma de traitement à trois niveaux adaptables individuellement. Niveau 1: phase de stabilisation. L'orthèse est employée avec la coque pour sécuriser efficacement les segments (traitement post-opératoire ou initialement conservateur) Kombinacijom sustava pojasa za pritezanje Spinova i sustava plastičnih ljuski kralježnica se stabilizira i rasterećuje.
Spinova Immo Plus Classic modulārā uzbūve ļauj īstenot kontrolētu terapiju atbilstoši individuāli pielāgojamai divu posmu ārstēšanas shēmai.
Beide stützen deinen Rumpf vom Becken bis zu den Schulterblattspitzen in anatomisch korrekter Form. Spinova® Immo Plus Classic Immobilizing back orthosis for protecting the lumbar spine Spinova Immo Plus Classic immobilizes your lumbar region and protects you against damaging rotational movements. A plastic shell that encloses the torso reinforces the protective effect of the elastic fabric. 2015-09-20 Spinova Immo Plus Classic funkcinis vienetas iš klasikinės įtempimo sistemos ir liemenį apimančio kiauto su dubens sutvirtinimu stabilizuoja ir sumažina juosmeninės dalies apkrovą ir apriboja stuburui kenkiančius judesius.
Spinova Immo Plus stellt Ihren Lendenbereich ruhig und schützt vor schädigenden Drehbewegungen. Ihr luftig-elastisches Netzmaterial umschließt eine stabilisierende Kunststoffschale. Beide stützen Ihren Rumpf vom Becken bis zu den Schulterblattspitzen in anatomisch korrekter Form.
They both support your torso from the pelvis to the tip of the shoulder blades in an anatomically correct shape. Spinova Immo Plus temporarily immobilizes the lumbar spine and relieves pain. The lumbar orthosis extends up to the lower thoracic spine (up to TH10) and reliably protects against damaging rotational movements. It is based on a modular design and supports multi-stage therapy. Spinova Immo Plus temporarily immobilizes the lumbar spine and relieves pain. The lumbar orthosis extends up to the lower thoracic spine (up to TH10) and reliably protects against damaging rotational movements. It is based on a modular design and supports multi-stage therapy.
It is based on a modular design and supports multi-stage therapy. SPINOVA® IMMO PLUS offers multifunctional orthosis for stabilization of the lumbar spine with mobilization function. Learn more
Bauerfeind Spinova Immo Plus Following surgery on the lumbar spine, such as for vertebral displacement (spondylolisthesis) or spinal canal stenosis, mobilization of the muscles of the back can be promoted with varying degrees of intensity using the modula
Spinova® Immo Multifunktionsortos för immobilisering av ländryggraden. Ortosen är avsedd bl a för konservativ behandling av enkla och stabila frakturer. Tack vare kombinationen av Spinova-dragremsystemet och plastskalsystemet stabiliseras och avlastas ryggraden. Spinova® Immo Plus Classic Orthosis for immobilizing and stabilizing the lumbar spine with a mobilization function Following surgery on the lumbar spine, such as for vertebral displacement (spondylolisthesis) or spinal canal stenosis, mobilization of the muscles of the back can be promoted with varying degrees of intensity using the modular orthosis Spinova Immo Plus Classic. Spinova® Immo Plus January 6, 2014.
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Modularna struktura orteze Spinova Immo Plus omogućuje ciljanu terapiju prema individualno prilagođenim shemam Spinova® Immo Plus January 6, 2014. Spinova® Unload Plus January 6, 2014. Show all. Spinova® Support Plus $ 1,299.98.
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Spinova Immo Plus is specially designed for use in multi-stage treatments: at a more advanced stage of recovery, first the abdominal pad and then the corset shell may be removed.
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Spinova Immo Plus Classic temporarily immobilizes the lumbar spine and relieves pain. The lumbar orthosis extends up to the lower thoracic spine (up to TH10)
Spinova Immo Plus (EN) – Training Video. Spinova Immo (EN) – Training Video. MOS Genu (EN) – Training Video. SofTec Coxa (EN) – Training Video. SofTec Dorso (EN) – Training Video.